

What is precision marketing





What is precision marketing

Online promotion is actually one-on-one marketing of precision marketing. People who do not know about online marketing and those who engage in traditional marketing often misuse online marketing as traditional advertising. Traditional marketing has invested a lot of resources to promote the use of media advertising, but whether it is TV or newspapers have editorial limitations, advertising information should strive to refine the information in place. And the traditional advertisement is a uni-directional one-way push information mechanism, there is no interaction, the information receiver can only choose to read or watch, otherwise it is to skip the information. So the best advertising return can be achieved with the best fit audiences or readers for traditional advertising. Return on Investment (ROI). When switching to online promotion, people engaged in traditional marketing sometimes over-focus on easy-to-remember slogan Slogan, ignoring the fact that online promotion is Bi-directional, a two-way messaging mechanism. wrong! wrong! wrong! High quality and targeted content is the key to victory.
Traditional marketing vs online promotion
Precision Marketing - Emphasizes audience and relevance
Audiences or audiences can not be precisely defined by their audience for traditional marketing. The best that traditional marketing can do is segment Segments readers. This does not mean that those who engage in online marketing today are smarter than those who engaged in marketing decades ago, but rather because of the advantages that technological progress brings. Social media such as Facebook require users to enter the correct identity when registering Demographics Data, so they can more accurately grasp the characteristics of individual users. The messages are naturally more likely to arouse their concern and sympathy. For example, you will not promote female sanitary napkins to male users advertising. LinkedIn requires demographic information, but also requires you to fill in your past work experience. The traditional advertising platform you can do most is to select ads on female shows or in print media (eg beauty magazines). Because the online platform knows your demographics, your interests, and your behavior, the information you pass on can be carefully screened to make it as Relevance as possible for you. So we say that online marketing is actually one-on-one marketing of precision marketing. Although today may not be completely one to one, tomorrow is certainly.
Precise marketing is especially important for product services for niche markets. The concept of precision marketing by Google Adwords keyword ads flourish. Adber also accepts advertising from you. It is Google's use of IT technology will be many, many advertising budget is very small advertising needs to meet, add up to advertising costs than traditional media ads spend more. Therefore, Google's achievement is a classic case of Long-tail Theory. Interestingly, search engines have no searcher demographics since the beginning. Demographic data is collected by Google from applications that require user registration and login, such as Gmail, Google +, YouTube, Google Play, Google Analytics, and more.
Based on UGC and DIY
Advertising platform for the pursuit of automation to drive down the threshold of advertising, so that small businesses can also use. But a lot of time for small businesses to do their own DIY. Today, online promotion platforms are essentially non-developmental content (except for the use of some teaching methods), and the use of platform users to participate in the release content User Generated Content (UGC) to maintain the platform activity. Therefore, the effective use of content marketing provides a very cheap and almost free publicity platform.
Learn more about audience behavior and adjust in real time
Over the past two decades, there have been many different ways to monitor and analyze online visitor behavior, such as: logging in through browser cookies and across devices. The content of online promotion becomes very interactive and can be adjusted appropriately according to the visitor's behavior. E.g:
You can create a button on your web page to hide a detailed description of your product or server. Interested visitors can click the button to expand the content. This is some degree of interaction and one-on-one content customization. E.g:
Concise product description
Concise product description
Detailed product description
Publish keyword search ads like Google Adwords. This is what we call Search Engine Marketing or SEM. You can define what to display using keyword searches that users enter. This is also a degree of interaction.
You may also notice that when you search the web for information such as hotels and flights, many of the other advertisements shown on the other websites are related to your browsing behavior. This is called Remarketing Remarketing, today is already a very mature online advertising mechanism.
Tracking online visitor behavior can not only improve the website shop, but also make use of big data analysis to improve the physical store business. This is the essence of O2O.
Accurate marketing advertising pricing more flexible
Because traditional advertising platforms are not accurate, advertising is expensive and only advertisers can benefit from products and services that target the general public. However, there is also no risk-free. For example, when the financial turmoil caused consumer confidence to falter, the efficiency of advertising has plummeted. Traditional advertising platform is difficult to quickly adjust the price down. However, the online advertising platform is based on the real-time bid auction mechanism Auction, so naturally adjust the price to adapt to the Tai Wai environment.
And when online advertising can collect audience response advertising mode is not simply the traditional calculation of Cost per Thousand Impression, you can click on Cost per Click or click on per view Cost per View. The Facebook advertising mechanism is more complex, for example, based on the past clicks of the advertising audience and the purpose of advertising under the advertiser.
Check your current online promotion performance
If you've already installed Google Analytics Google Analytics, checking that your current online promotion is done correctly is not difficult. Google Analytics average page retention time is a good reference number. If a visitor has an average page retention time of less than 30 seconds and a high bounce rate, even though you may have been successful in attracting visitors through an online promotion, the content you provide is not valuable to them, let alone converting them For your client This promotion is just a waste of money!




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